Category: Personal Insights
Can This Blog Change The World?
What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? This is an interesting prompt from WordPress mobile app. Let’s see…at first, I’d say that I don’t have that high of an ambition for my blog to change the world, considering that I’m treating it more like my own personal…
Let’s Learn Mandarin
I noticed that many job postings for copywriting in Malaysia either require Mandarin or as an added advantage. This might be due to the economic relations with China. So…why don’t we learn Mandarin? It doesn’t need to be too intensive. Let’s have fun. I’m using Duolingo to learn it. It lacks the writing aspect, but…
The First 2024 Blog Post
Year 2024. There’s Twitter / X, Medium, Facebook, social media platform and plethora of other writing sites with “Write For Us”. So, why write a blog? It’s decent enough as a portfolio website, do I want to use it as a blog? Would my future clients get deterred? Would I regret this decision? I dilly-dallied…